Shipping Instructions
FedEx Priority #1: Up to $100,000 insurance coverage on incoming refining shipped Monday-Thursday and packages shipped Friday for Saturday morning delivery. (Only when Sat. delivery is available.)FedEx Priority #1: (Fri. to Mon.) Up to $40,000 insurance coverage on incoming refining shipped Friday for Monday delivery.
FedEx Standard/Economy: Up to $40,000 insurance coverage on incoming refining shipments must be made in a secured container or box. Do not use envelopes or packs. Please insure through FedEx for $100.00. The balance is covered under our other insurance policies.
Maximum insurance coverage for fine bullion including coins is $20,000 per pkg.
Packages must be shipped in an appropriate FedEx security box, double boxed or a bucket inside a box.
Packages may also be dropped off at a FedEx location. Packages deposited in drop boxes or taken to third party pickup locations will be denied by insurance claims. All pickups and drop offs must be scanned in person to ensure that they have been correctly entered into the FedEx tracking System.
Sender and recipient names and address must make no reference to refining or precious commodities such as gold, silver, diamonds, jewelry, etc. Please abbreviate or eliminate these or similar keywords (example: United instead of United Precious Metal Refining) or replace the company’s name with an individual’s name. Please include a Packing List with settlement instructions or a Karat Calculator Packing List for shipments containing karat gold only.